You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
NVIDIA et al. Cosmos: World Foundation Model Platform for Physical AI. Tech report. Best AI and Best Overall of CES 2025 [pdf] [Porject Page]
NVIDIA et al. Edify Image: High-Quality Image Generation with Pixel Space Laplacian Diffusion Models. Tech report. [pdf] [Porject Page]
Z. Wang, Z. Li, A. Mandlekar, Z. Xu, J. Fan, Y. Narang, L. Fan, Y. Zhu, Y. Balaji, M. Zhou, M. Liu, and Y. Zeng, “One-step diffusion policy: Fast visuomotor policies via diffusion distillation,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.21257, 2024. [pdf] [Porject Page]
Y. Zeng, V. M. Patel, H. Wang, X. Huang, T. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Balaji, “Jedi: Joint-image diffusion models for finetuning-free personalized text-to-image generation,” CVPR, 2024. [pdf] [Project Page]
- Y. Mei, Y. Zeng, H. Zhang, Z. Shu, H. Zhang, S. Bi, J. Zhang, H. Jung, V. Patel, “Holo-relighting: Controllable volumetric portrait relighting from a single image,” CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Project]
- H. Zhao, Y. Zeng, H. Lu, and L. Wang, “Large occluded human image completion via image-prior cooperating,” AAAI, 2024. [coming soon]
- Y. Zeng, Z. Lin, J. Zhang, Q. Liu, J. Collomosse, J. Kuen, V. Patel, “Scenecomposer: Any-level semantic image synthesis,” CVPR, 2023 (Hightlight, top 2.5% ). [Paper] [Project]
- Y. Zeng, Z. Lin, and V. M. Patel, “Sketchedit: Mask-free local image manipulation with partial sketches,” CVPR, 2022. [Paper] [Project] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, M. Zhou, Y. Xue, and V. M. Patel, “Securing deep generative models with universal adversarial signature,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16310, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, Z. Lin, and V. M. Patel, “Shape-guided object inpainting,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.07845. [Paper]
- J. Shang, Y. Zeng, X. Qiao, et al., “Jr2net: Joint monocular 3d face reconstruction and reenactment,” AAAI, 2023 (Oral presentation). [Paper]
- S. Cai, Y. Zeng, S. Yang, X. Jia, H. Lu, and Y. He, “Deformable dynamic sampling and dynamic predictable mask mining for image inpainting,” IEEE TNNLS, 2022. [Paper]
- H. Zhang, Y. Zeng, H. Lu, L. Zhang, J. Li, and J. Qi, “Learning to detect salient object with multi-source weak supervision,” IEEE TPAMI, 2021. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, Z. Lin, H. Lu, and V. M. Patel, “Cr-fill: Generative image inpainting with auxiliary contextual reconstruction,” ICCV, 2021. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, Z. Lin, J. Yang, J. Zhang, E. Shechtman, and H. Lu, “High-resolution image inpainting with iterative confidence feedback and guided upsampling,” ECCV, 2020. [Paper] [Project]
- E. Ntavelis, A. Romero, S. Bigdeli, et al., “Aim 2020 challenge on image extreme inpainting,” in ECCV, 2020.
- Y. Zhuge, Y. Zeng, and H. Lu, “Deep embedding features for salient object detection,” AAAI, 2019.
- Y. Zeng, Y. Zhuge, H. Lu, and L. Zhang, “Joint learning of saliency detection and weakly supervised semantic segmentation,” ICCV, 2019. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, Y. Zhuge, H. Lu, L. Zhang, M. Qian, and Y. Yu, “Multi-source weak supervision for saliency detection,” CVPR, 2019. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, H. Lu, L. Zhang, M. Feng, and A. Borji, “Learning to promote saliency detectors,” CVPR, 2018. [Paper)] [Code)]
- Y. Zeng, M. Feng, H. Lu, G. Yang, and A. Borji, “An unsupervised game-theoretic approach to saliency detection,” IEEE TIP, 2018. [Paper] [Code]
- Y. Zeng, H. Lu, and A. Borji, “Statistics of deep generated images,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.02688, 2017. [Paper]